Saturday, November 9, 2013

"I believe in a God who HEALS"

Hi guys! Doubling up this week! After I wrote my last post, we went to IHOP and that was pretty crazy.  Lets just talk about how cool God is.  Because in one day he gave me an entire sermon to preach, and then the next day BOOM. EVEN COOLER. 
But back to IHOP.  We go, and I'm excited- we hadn’t gone in a few weeks and it is always an adventure.  But I start feeling this massive headache come on.  I have no idea why or what caused it, but it was bad.  The worst part was when I went to reach for my trusty bottle of aspirin in my purse and realized I changed purses before we left.  The bottle of Excedrin Migraine didn’t make the switch.  After kicking myself over this realization, I went to go hang out in the back of the sanctuary during worship because it was so bad.  My own voice hurt my head, much less the loud worship music, flashing lights, and other craziness going on.  I was seriously considering going to hide out in the bathroom when I decided to just give it to God instead.  So I threw up a pretty casual prayer saying, “God, you’re going to have to do something about this, because this is stupid and I don’t want to have to leave and not be able to participate in worshipping you.”  Not even a minute later, the pastor asks a girl to share her testimony of how she had been healed there a few years ago.  And then he said, “If you need healing for any reason, even if it’s just a migraine, I want you to raise your hand.  The rest of you, if you see someone around you raising their hand, I want you to pray healing over them.”  Now I don’t usually ask for healing because of a migraine, they’re just part of my life, but I'm not an idiot.  Even if he did all but slap me in the face.  So I raised my hand.  People came and put their hands on me and prayed.  And suddenly my headache started to fade away.  They prayed some more, and it was totally gone.  That’s a new one.  And a whole bunch of other people got healed that night.  My roommate hasn’t been able to bend over and touch her toes without pain in her back and hips for years.  Now she can.  Cool stuff huh?

God is so Good. And really cool too.



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